The Ayan Cemani Chicken has a rare dominant gene that causes Hyperpigmentation.  (Fibromelanosis).  This causes the chicken to be mostly black even on the internal organs.  Its beak, feathers, bones and skin are black.   

The Ayan Cemani Chicken has a rare dominant gene that causes Hyperpigmentation.  (Fibromelanosis).  This causes the chicken to be mostly black even on the internal organs.  Its beak, feathers, bones and skin are black.   

As a pure Indonesian breed, the breed originated from the island of Java, Indonesia, and have probably been used since the 12th century for religious and mystical purposes. 

We pride ourselves on careful care with our chickens.  They are bred and cared for with the utmost attention.  They are our family. 

We sell day old chicks and six month old breeding pairs.

Other breeds we have include Heritage Barred Rocks, Silkies, Easter Eggers , and Golden Comets.  We also have Black Cochin hens.